Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Young people

I'm kind of glad the World Cup is over.....well, i did get a little interested towards the end when only a few teams were left. I have memories of being a fan in my younger days, meaning schooldays - vague memories that at that time Germany and Holland were vying for first place. In this recent tournament, I've had young men around in my house in the early hours of morning watching the games, the dogs got excited with the many people and at times I must say i did not sleep all that well. One 'habit' of young men seems to be an aversion to cleanliness.......after being out at some mamak stall until fairly late, they come back and sleep without a bath.......most times i just ignore all this or I'll be nagging them to change the sheets every other day!! I don't bother now :-) and maybe that's a sign of greater freedom from shoulds and musts......
These couple of days I will be using a car belonging to my son's friend. He left it for us to use before going outstation for a week or so. Just timely for me - as I had to bring my car in for servicing to check some oil leak and it will take two days at least. I was pre-warned by my son ' You might find it smells a bit.....' Well, today I had my first exposure to a sweaty smelling car....yes it did smell! And the outside is coated - got my fingers black as I shut the car door......
I am still trying to 'adjust' to some of these 'challenges' of the very mundane and ordinary kind. I guess these things are more prominent as I have my children around during their tertiary education. Nothing too spectacular and noteworthy like the frustrations of 'real 'Christian ministry.....yet just another brand of the old "sandpaper of sanctification". O Lord, have mercy!!

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