Sunday, July 11, 2010

Compassion beyond borders....

Luke 10 : 25 - 37
What is written in the law? How do you read? .....Go and do likewise.
The somewhat 'frustrating' thing about Jesus was his 'parable' answers to people's religious questions. The 'lawyer' (one well grounded in the Law) who asked the question was probably seeking an interesting debate with Jesus, perhaps also to test his authenticity, as a teacher of the Law, the Torah. And up to a point, Jesus does lead him to the conventional answer: love God and neighbor (Deut. 6:5; Lev 19:18). But then when the lawyer shows that he wants further refining of the Law, Jesus tells a parable. The parable turns the tables upside down. The drama of the robbed and wounded man includes 'religious persons', a priest and levite. Both do not respond to the person in need. Why? we are not told exactly, but we usually try to find a 'reason' for example fear of ritual impurity, or maybe just too engrossed (perhaps in religious duties). It is really interesting that Jesus uses the example of two 'religious' persons (rather than just any two Jews) who somehow fail in their duty to help a needy person, who fail to be a loving 'neighbor'.
I believe Jesus saw through the lawyer's questions to his desire to limit the boundaries of love. Merely following the "Law", or "moral obligations" tends to narrow our boundaries. There are ways to do 'enough', perhaps even perform external deeds without true Christlike motivation, and in the doing become smug and self righteous.
Jesus' love and compassion extends beyond boundaries. The Samaritan similarly had compassion for a needy fellow human being, even one from beyond his 'boundary'. Perhaps a great challenge for all, especially if we consider ourselves 'religious', to ask "who are my neighbors? How do I relate to them?" Maybe it is a growthful grace when we find ourselves somewhat uncomfortable with this God who pushes the boundaries.

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