Sunday, July 18, 2010

Undivided attention

Luke 10 : 38 - 42
Many many things in life distract us from being attentive to the Lord. In fact, much of the time, the 'many things' (v 41) are quite legitimate concerns - about work, our loved ones, our relationships and so on. They are not even frivolous things; they are real concerns and we try to get Jesus' attention. He seems to be less interested than we are.....and we say "do you not care....?"
I was talking to someone yesterday as she described the difficult situation in her family. There truly seems no 'way out' as the other family members are not cooperating..... i find that we usually can't accept that Jesus does not forcefully change others without their cooperation.......instead he invites those who are willing, to sit at his feet, and listen, and rest in him. To be rightly and legitimately concerned, yet not preoccupied. The world will go on without us for a while and at his feet, we regain strength and wisdom to do/say what is needed in the difficult situation and love the persons involved.
Anxiety and preoccupation (that goes beyond legitimate concern) keep us from listening and from giving the Lord our undivided attention. The problems will come and go in this life, but what is of lasting value is our relationship of loving attention to the Lord.
Lord, to be in your presence is life and us from our many preoccupations that we may give you our undivided love and attention.

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