Saturday, May 01, 2010

God - speech

At a spiritual direction group session the other day, a few of us resonated with how our Lord 'speaks' through many channels - and how tuning in to different 'divine broadcast stations' we can hear God-speech. I am aware of how movies help me appreciate many things about the spiritual life as it meaningfully intersects with the narrative of my own life. Another way I have been very blessed is when the beauty of nature 'speaks'.....
I saw a beautiful 'rainbow cloud' a couple of weeks ago when at Frasers......The colors were bright and brilliant as it came forth from a darker mass of clouds. This did not speak as if in answer to any particular thing - except to affirm that God gifts us with so many things, every moment, if we have eyes of faith to see. Even simple and ordinary moments are precious and awesome, even my weaknesses and limitations are part of the journey of being human (and beloved) and becoming (beloved) - more and more fully human and alive.
"When we are silent within, seeking the grace of attentiveness and receptivity, anything can become a channel of God-speech"

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