Thursday, September 09, 2010

Computer as new!

I have been having quite a few 'problems' with my computer of late......its been slowing down a lot, lack of hard disk space and so on. Last two weeks it has been undergoing various check ups with a friend who has technical expertise. Initially we thought the problem was solved - only to find it recurring several days later. I even got the hard disk 'cloned' to one with larger space. This worked for a few days but then error messages kept coming up time and again. Again, my friend tried to trouble shoot but the whole system seemed unstable and the error messages kept coming up - it was like the antivirus program did not allow me to connect to the internet. We decided that something more drastic needed to be done. So yesterday, my whole system was deleted and restored to factory settings from the recovery disk. Today, it is like I have a 'new' computer. Of course I have backed up all my saved documents........but it is fun to 'start anew' with few programs and hardly any stored files. This helps it run really fast and much more smoothly....i don't know for how long.....perhaps until the bits and pieces of saved information start to pile up!
If only our human systems - either physical or spiritual, were that simple to 'renew'. Of course they are not and we carry many years of physical strain, not to mention the emotional and spiritual. I have had a tiring week, especially Monday and Tuesday - up early and out nearly the whole day for various things until after 10 pm. It looks like the old 'body' can hardly take this kind of thing any more. The emotional and spiritual seem at a peaceful place, yet the tired physical system does affect my ability to do much soul reflection! Anyway, I look forward to the next two days of public holiday to stay at home and rest, most particularly to renew physical reserves. Meanwhile, the lovely plant that climbs over my garden wall continue to bloom and buds are always present.......

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