Friday, September 03, 2010


How true that to attend to God we need to pace.......neither going ahead or lagging behind. For many of us, the usual problem is going ahead - perhaps that's true spiritually for those of us who literally, physically walk fast (and i am one of those, not only because of longer strides but also because of the desire to complete many things in a short time!)
Recently i have had to 'pace' myself. The 'old' ligaments over my scapular have started to give a chronic ache - from 'overuse' - probably the lifting of heavy objects (including dogs!). Now even typing on the computer aggravates and so does driving. Have tried to drive with one arm - but not very successful (or safe) as the steering wheel is heavy. Anyway, i am learning to live with the ache - that recurs as a reminder to "pace'.
These limitations are all timely reminders of our creaturehood before God the Creator. It is all too easy to forget and to attempt to live lives as "super - people" rather than just fully human, as Jesus showed us in the incarnation. He surely felt tired, hungry, sad, angry at times, and in his physical body chose to lovingly experience the limitations of the human condition.
There have been timely 'interruptions' recently - those days when further house repairs are done - are days i have purposely left 'free' to be at home. Today work is going on with the kitchen tap........and as i work at my computer, i have to rest at intervals or shift my arm position when i feel the ache starting.
If only we were more aware of the spiritual shifts we are invited to make....when the spiritual aches start, rather than moving on to the next thing to 'solve' issues instead of listening to the voice of God in them. Pacing helps.......whether for shoulder or spiritual aches.

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