Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gift of prayer, gift of special lives

It has been quite an interesting ten days.......the public holidays during Hari Raya were good days mostly spent at home, trying to 'live and pray' the materials i was going to use for a retreat..........a friend's dog died and i tried to be supportive.....It is not easy losing a pet even if the animal has been sickly for a while.
Somehow, thankfully the scapular ache is much better, and does not wake me up as i turn in my sleep. Don't need those 'plasters' every day and i hardly notice it except when typing too long on the computer.
Yesterday was a special day. The greater part of the day was spent facilitating a silent retreat. It is always a joy to provide the space for others to seek quiet with the Lord. These days i hope more and more that what i share comes from a restful and congruent place within myself. It is always a tension between sharing a passion for the spiritual journey - and being 'preachy' to others. I always remind myself that in a retreat, the inputs are not that important - it is a time for the participants to meet God in whatever way He leads them.......the framework given should not distract from this purpose.
Last night brought another type of gift. I went with my husband to the New Hope (ministry for special needs persons) mooncake celebration. Have been attending this annual function for several years. Each time i am amazed and overwhelmed by the special needs people. Mostly, they are not as self conscious as 'normal' people..they show their real feelings more readily. And many have much love to offer, in a spontaneous manner. David (Kar Wai) is one of them - always ready with warm hugs, smiles and handshakes.......Some are more shy but are ready with smiles, especially those without speech. Two things touch me: the parents of these special needs people have accepted their human limitations and one mother spoke of her son giving her much joy. Secondly, i am always reminded that i am accepted by them not for what i can do - they don't really 'know' me for anything more than just 'myself'........that's how they treat people, rather than sizing them up based on their 'do-ings'.....
I find glimpses of God's unconditional love being made tangible in and through these persons who remind me that 'being' is at the root of any 'doing'.

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