Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A new home....

A week ago we moved into our new home....the movers were really fast and had everything packed in a record two and a half hours. Yes, there were lots and lots of things - I only realized after the things were packed in boxes!! We ended up here with many, many boxes plus the furniture that had been carefully wrapped to prevent damage during transit. It took me several days to get through all the boxes. Otherwise, the kitchen especially would have been an obstacle course. In the midst of unpacking, I realized there were so many items I have not used for years, or I have never used (not that I buy a lot of kitchen stuff, but many were inherited from my mother and just stashed away) and would probably be storing for as many years.....These have all been repacked and given away. Thankfully, the Franciscan sisters are happy to help me distribute these (I'm ashamed to say) 'excesses' of mine.
In a way moving house is a way I am forced to face the 'clutter'. Otherwise, it's all stacked away, carefully out of sight and out of mind. In the process I was reminded how this physical move is also a very spiritual experience. For it forces one to face the excesses, including whatever is hidden away.......and invites one to 'let go' of what is no longer necessary. Life is about letting go of all that hinders our journey towards God. It is excesses whether spiritual or physical that block us from the pure gift of God's gratuitous marvelous love. I am glad I have let go of that bit more clutter, in order to have more space for God.


Unknown said...

Amen. And happy unpacking! Me, things are still in boxes!!!

God bless


lilian koh said...

Thank you Oli. Well I still have a few boxes lying around - and some of it is for giving away! Ha, thanks for reminding me - that it's ok to leave things...smell the roses...and take my time.....
God bless......