Monday, May 31, 2010

Pipe 'bypass surgery'

Well, yet another mundane Monday. After a session with someone in the morning, I remained housebound in order to wait for the plumber. Through the afternoon they have been at work. The kitchen sink outflow is really blocked. No amount of declogging solution (I used one whole bottle - trying again and again, hoping to declog the pipe) or pumping helped. The whole of last week while waiting for the plumber to be free I've had to limit cooking, limit washing up and use little water at the kitchen sink. Now I know what it feels like to use water sparingly rather than leave taps running at full flow - it can be done, creatively and probably helps save water too. I should probably continue to practice saving water byCheck Spelling washing up dishes, pots and pans all together rather than have a running tap to wash one or two items at a time (that being a bit obsessive I tend to do!).
The plumber has to divert the outflow via a new pipe leading to the drain outside. Indeed, something like bypass surgery for clogged coronary arteries. They have been at work for several hours, giving me time to sit and wait and ponder. And it seems a good discipline to keep me home rather than go out on errands I don't need to do right away, anyway. I await the clearing up of the mess........later.......
In my time of being around, just waiting, I searched through some books and found that I have Nouwen's book titled "Our greatest gift (Meditation on dying and caring)", written in 1994, two years before his own death I don't think I have read this seriously and it seems a good time now, as it expands on dying as a gift as he shared in the fourth movement of "Life of the beloved".
Sometimes, 'bypass surgery' or other medical interventions help and gives us more time to be given in life. Sometimes, there is nothing more medical science can offer and then it is time to be given in death.
For now, I am grateful that the pipe surgery is progressing well and I can expect a good result........

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