Monday, March 15, 2010

Signs of the Lord

John 4 : 43 - 54
Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe
Does our faith depend on signs and wonders? Sometimes, i must admit, i would like God to be more obvious in his ways. He seems to be 'quiet' these days compared to the theophanies that we are told about in the OT. And even Jesus did seem to answer a number of requests in ways that were spectacular.
Today, we have to deal with the silences of God, more often than not. But what the world does not hear, and deems a 'silence' we may be asked to listen to with ears of faith; what the world does not see with physical eyes, we may be invited to see with eyes of faith.
Today, the 'signs and wonders' of the Lord happen most often in human hearts - when hearts of stone become hearts of flesh, and the power of God's love is manifest through human persons. In our day to day lives - it requires slowing down - to ponder and observe, to 'listen' with the ears of the heart to what goes on in people, in ourselves. It requires the desire to ask God for transforming 'graces', those gifts that enable us to bear the fruit of the Spirit. And to receive with wonder and amazement the 'signs and wonders' he does in our hearts, no less a miracle than those we read about in Scripture.
This Lent, I find myself asking for many transforming graces. Some of these concern areas of 'unredeemed - ness' that have remained through the years. The one thing I am sure of is that the Lord works, step by step, as I am ready to receive. Praise the Lord O my soul!

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