Sunday, March 14, 2010

The 'extravagant' love of our Father

Luke 15 : 1 - 3, 11 - 32
There are three main characters in this parable of Jesus. I have met the two sons in myself. The 'lost' younger son when I drifted far from the Lord in my early twenties. As I look back now, the Father must have looked upon my 'leaving home' with much sorrow. How ungrateful i was to receive his gifts and use them without regard for him. Yet even then, he was looking out for my return, never for a moment giving up on me. Such is his love. The older son part comes out when I fall into the trap of judging others who, according to my standards do not deserve the welcome our Father extends to one and all. In this, I forget my own past, and i forget that "all have sinned and fall short". i forget that our Father is so generous and extravagant with love and forgiveness that it seems unrealistic (humanly speaking) .
Whatever the case, both 'sons' have to learn about and experience their father's love, in order to be freed to live as true 'sons'. I am still learning what it means to love as our Father does, to be "compassionate as your heavenly Father is cmpassionate", as Jesus said. What a lifelong lesson - a goal that I cannot reach without His help and grace every step along the way. Somehow, dealing with my own children has taught me in a concrete manner. Parental love is costly - one cannot control one's children. Love needs to 'bear' many things, yet remain gentle and kind. Love needs to step aside and grant them the freedom to make mistakes, however painful - yet be willing to receive the returning child. Love always hopes - in the other's ability to choose the good, even though the tendency to choose poorly remains. Love perseveres for the other. Our Father's heart is extravagant in love. I am slowly learning by grace, how to be loved by Him in order to love like Him.

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