Monday, August 16, 2010

Season of illness

The family has been unwell. Last week one son came down with the flu with high fever....took him a few days to get better, but it was uncomplicated. Then over the weekend, while i was away at a retreat, the other son fell sick. He had high fever too, but since he is asthmatic, he had an attack of asthma last night. I was back by then, and thankfully the old nebuliser set we've had for almost twenty years is still working and he got his nebulised steroids. Today the fever is lower than the 39C it was yesterday.
I have stayed home today to watch him, as the asthma still requires the nebulised medication. I managed to get out of my work tonight - thankfully, they found a replacement. It is actually a great relief to be at home when a child is sick. This son is really sick when the asthma comes and appreciates having someone around. I've spent the day mostly at home apart from a short trip out to buy more medicine. Also resting a bit, and having the afternoon nap i really need. And catching up on emails.
I have been feeling the strain of working in the evenings - being out regularly from 6 to 9 pm.
I've been trying for a long time to decide whether to go on with the evening work. There are weeks I go in only once as opposed to the maximum of three times. On average i take two slots. Well, the decision to stop or not will not be easy, as i have children who are still studying in private institutions of higher learning. I suppose i'll have to hold on and give time for any final decision. In the meantime, i hope to take some sort of break, especially in September.
I truly hope that the flu bug passes me and my husband by.........

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