Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Your dwelling place

Psalm 84
I was trying to choose some songs for a retreat I am facilitating this weekend. One of my CDs caught my attention and I started reading the insert. There was a part about we being God's dwelling place, an introduction to the song "How lovely is your dwelling place" (based on Psalm 84).
I was touched again as I reread what was written by the songwriter. It brought fresh insight to me about Psalm 84, one of my favorites. As I recite this psalm, I have been more and more aware of how 'dwelling place' means so much more to us now than it did to the psalmist. Then, God's dwelling, his presence was in a building, the Temple in Jerusalem. But now, for us, 'dwelling place' has a new meaning, for we are God's dwelling place; our hearts are home to the Spirit of God; we are 'temples of the Holy Spirit'. And not only is the Temple where God dwells lovely, but we also, being chosen specially as the Spirit's dwelling are also lovely and graced with the very presence of God. This brings so much joy and consolation, especially when difficult circumstances leave us questioning the meaning of it all, leave us wondering where God is.
"We are God's dwelling place. Our persons, our bodies, our spirits are God's home. We may be ravaged by the merciless trespass of disease, made febrile by abiding pain, seared and weakened by endless treatment...but even then, even then, the Lord rests and finds comfort in us, His dwelling place. We may be hardened by failed relationships, shrunk down and shrivelled up by wrong choices, made ugly by pain we inflict on ourselves...but even then, even then, the Lord rests and finds comfort in us, His dwelling place. And how lovely indeed is this dwelling place of His!" (Arnel Aquino SJ)

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