Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mercy and justice

It is a real challenge these days to read the newspapers with a heart of mercy and a desire for justice. The news can either become just 'more' stuff to talk about, to complain about and to worry about. It seems like the first reaction at times is 'how will it affect the economy?' Which is actually a self centered way of approaching the whole thing; concern that our investments will be affected. That is often the 'gut' reaction of self centered creatures.
On the other hand, we could get too caught up and feel helpless and desolate as we consider the actions of those who speak of justice but also seem to hang on to power and control. It must be really difficult for those in high positions to remember the very basis for their being there. The Evil One is ever so subtle. If he cannot tempt us through gross temptations it will be through twisting the very means we thought was for the good of others.
Another reaction would be to 'shut out' and just see the problem as 'out there'; that there's not much one can actually do. This eventually hardens the heart and although it protects from despair, it also insulates one from truly connecting with the reality of the 'world' where God is to be found.
I have experienced in myself the different reactions, at different times. I believe that in the end, prayerful attention is the stance we should take. The news should not be avoided. But neither does the news become so consuming that we lose focus on the presence of God in the world, however bleak things seem to be. Prayerful attention includes spending more time praying than talking and discussing the matter, the different views and the different personalities involved. For some, it involves being much more vocal, through letters of petition and so on. There's no easy solution because we may at various times react differently. But always we would hope to approach things from a prayerful stance, asking to see all things in God and God in all things.

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