Thursday, September 11, 2008

True love

Luke 6 : 27 - 38
Be merciful even as your Father is merciful
Yesterday I was speaking with someone who feels very strongly about social and political issues. He is in touch with the latest developments and was very vocal with those in his sphere of influence before the last general elections. He acknowledges that this often leads to an anger that is not very comfortable. Besides impelling one to speak out for righteousness, anger can become ugly and lead to violent thoughts, and easily into actions. My challenge to him was how this whole area that obviously has a place in his heart, can become an instrument of transformation in his own life. In fact, the challenge would be to hold in tension the two calls : to speak out against injustice and to continue to love the 'enemy'. God is good to the unjust as well as to the just. It is not an easy task and without the love and grace of God, I believe it would be impossible. But with God all things are possible. Hearts of stone can be transformed into hearts of flesh and in receiving mercy, we are capable of extending mercy to those who, in our own eyes, do not deserve it.
I think Jesus shows us how by his incarnate life. He tells us it is humanly possible, in case we think it is only for angels or divine beings. But it also demands a form of asceticism. We need to let go of our rights when and where appropriate, in those instances where we choose to go empty in order that God be glorified. (In fact, I'm beginning to think that I should look up this word 'asceticism' in a dictionary of spirituality, since I'm using it so freely). The Christian life as I first knew it was not so much a letting go as receiving a 'free gift' (of salvation). I'm glad I have not remained with just that free gift in my hands and nothing else. But it is not easy to hear about the 'giving up' part because each one who seeks intimacy with God will have to face the giving up of something dear to us (our personal and unique attachments!). To love our 'enemy' is so against human reason that if only we did this well, the world will begin to open up to this God we worship.

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