Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paradox of blessedness

Luke 6 : 20 - 26
Blessed are you that that weep...
As usual Jesus surprises his hearers by his 'way of blessedness' - a way that seems to contradict our human ways of reasoning. That this 'way' comes from the one we call Lord means that it should have an ever increasing impact in our lives. It is not one of those passages that we can just read for information. It would be pointless unless it also brought about inner transformation.
I believe Jesus does not idealize actual poverty, hunger, injustice and persecution. Scripture elsewhere tells us that God is always on the side of the poor and oppressed. In fact we are called to work for a more just society in every way we can.
But there are times when we are at the receiving end of the trials of life. How would we respond?
How could we find blessedness in poverty, hunger, mourning, and persecution? It is a matter of living with 'open, empty hands' before our God. The word 'empty' is not popular these days as we would prefer the promises of 'health and wealth'. But there is a place for healthy asceticism, especially in this age of excesses. Poverty of spirit means we find joy in the Giver alone, for he is our greatest treasure. Loss of lesser goods will not deprive us of joy. Hunger of the spirit finds nourishment in God's word alone. Sorrow and mourning over our sins and all that hinders us from clinging to God leads to true spiritual freedom.
We need to give each other a hand in living the beatitudes. It would be difficult yet not impossible of course, to live with a spirit of asceticism in churches that take for granted what being blessed means. I think these thoughts means more to me as I grow older.......and I witness so many of the frailties of life, in myself and in others. These 'blessings' are what I would seek hard after, for in the end they are the lasting treasures.

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