Sunday, September 14, 2008

From inside out

Luke 6 : 43 - 49
Transformation comes from the inside out, we are reminded again for as Jesus says, "the mouth speaks what the heart is full of". Sometimes it is easy to hide by speaking good words that we do not mean, but I think we all know what it feels like when we receive such words from others. It feels false and we know it, even if it comes with a big smile. But it is not only others who do this. I know there are times when I am not 'real' as well. I know in my heart that I have no real love and yet out of social niceness (or rather hypocrisy) I disguise the condition of my heart. This is not wrong of course - or we would be going around dishing out unkind remarks to others. What is important is to get the 'heart right', to work on it in prayer, in confession and in relationship with God. In due course, we want the inside to match the outside image we project.
These words of Jesus are timely for me this season. The spiritual formation program I am involved in is going through a topic titled "Why we sin when we know so much". This is not an easy area to deal with but all the more, it is necessary for true and deep transformation.
The spiritual teachers of old, like Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross warn about 'habitual faults' that become a hindrance to our progress towards God. For those who are already some time on the journey, these are often disguised. The seven deadly sins become 'spiritual' sins and not gross temptations. Spiritual pride (pride in our spiritual fervor and our service), spiritual avarice (attachment to religious images), spiritual lust (love that takes us away from God), spiritual anger(when others do not follow our spiritual advice), spiritual gluttony (attachment to consolations, aversion to self sacrifice), spiritual envy (when others are more virtuous or more effective), spiritual sloth (laziness, lack of fortitude and perseverance in commitments).
For trees to bear good fruit, they have to be tended with care, they have to be nurtured. May the Lord help us in this journey of transformation.

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