Sunday, July 13, 2008

Eyes to see, ears to hear

Matthew 13 : 1 - 23
Blessed are your eyes, for they see and your ears, for they hear
Learning to contemplate may seen like something 'mystical' to some. But in effect it is so mundane that it is within reach of every person who truly believes that God reveals himself to his creatures in many wonderful ways, all the time.
The parables of Jesus cannot be understood just by plain analysis. They have to be 'contemplated', viewed against the background of who he is, who God is, and the purpose of life. We 'contemplate' when we observe things through this lens. It happens when
we stand in wonder and awe at the routine miracles that keep our universe and our bodies functioning harmoniously;
we go back regularly to objects of wonder and beauty, like a favorite stretch of beach, or the face of someone long loved, to deepen our admiration and enjoyment;
we are wide awake and fresh in our perception of people and things, not being distracted and filled with preoccupations and prejudices;
we face life in a genuinely undefended and open-eyed way,not being rigid and guarded;
we are vulnerable, letting events and people impact us with their full resonance,not being controlling and manipulative
(adapted from "The Enduring Heart" by Wilkie Au)
In such a stance, the soil would be favorable for God's Word to take root, even as this Word comes to us in so many unique ways.

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