Friday, June 20, 2008


Matthew 6 : 19 - 23
...if your eye is sound your whole body will be full of light....
In the ancient world the 'eye' was an image used to describe the lamp that illuminates the mind, the heart, the inner being of a person. So if that eye or lamp became clouded the light entering would be diminished in some way. In fact, here Jesus says there will be darkness in the person - darkness that affects the inner life, heart and soul. This is disastrous in terms of eternal consequences.
There is a great lack of self awareness, as informed by Scripture, among Christians. We are not naturally encouraged to deeply self-reflect. We are asked to confess sin, but this can become a recurrent and unfruitful exercise if we do not get to the root of the problem. I think Jesus' warning implies that we should be open for our perception to be gradually transformed by God. Our 'eye' in a way is our perception - about ourselves, others and about God himself. It is easy to perceive self as number one (the one always right), others with prejudice and envy and God as not really on our side. It is easy to live with these wrong perceptions - first of all failing to acknowledge personal weaknesses, then projecting them onto others, and also not perceiving with gratitude God's grace and mercy in our lives. If the eye or lamp is not sound - what a mess our inner lives would be and what relational problems we would bring to our communities.
In his time with his disciples, Jesus showed them their misperceptions many a time. James the John the two 'kiasu' brothers were shown the need to 'drink the cup' and to serve rather than seek positions of honor. Peter was chastened when he saw himself in the light of his coward denial of his Lord. Faced with their weaknesses and confronted with the light of Christ, they grew to great heights, even giving their lives for the gospel.

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