Thursday, May 31, 2007

Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth

Luke 1 : 39 - 56
"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit."

Mary, pregnant with Jesus, went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist. A seemingly 'ordinary' visit between two women, sharing the wonder of pregnancy, and awaiting the birth of their children. Yet, there was also something happening at another level. Both were aware that something awesome was at work in them. The new life they were carrying in their bodies was indeed the fulfillment of God's promise. There was a profound sense of God's very presence in that moment of meeting.
This sense of shared wonder and Spirit-presence happens many times in our lives, if we have the eyes to see and our hearts are open enough to listen. We seek out a friend and in the sharing of lives, we touch into the very heart of the new life that the Spirit is breathing into us. This does not happen too often, because many a time we are engrossed with mundane details and caught up in the superficiality of our desires. Of course we dare not 'dive deep' with simply anyone and it would not be appropriate to do so. But the spiritual journey is one we make with others. So it is always important to have a few people with whom we can explore the Spirit's movements in our lives. I have experienced spiritual growth to a large part through such relationships. It is not just sharing prayer needs, although that plays a part too. But much more, it is noticing the new life forming in each other rather than getting too caught up with the external details. Mary, an unmarried woman, was pregnant! Yet, Elizabeth saw past all the negative implications of that to what God was inviting. As the Spirit opened her eyes she became acutely aware that through Mary, God was going to accomplish his promises. Such Spirit led appreciation of spiritual realities is the essence of spiritual friendship.
It is with wide eyed wonder and even reverence that we dare speak of what God is doing in our lives, how he is using the events and experiences to bring to birth the Christ-life in us. May we like Elizabeth offer 'soul hospitality' where others may feel safe enough to share their journeys. Like Mary, may we be humble enough to risk vulnerability as we share our lives with trusted others. In the end both host and guest are blessed because it is the Spirit who is at work in their midst.

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