Thursday, August 05, 2010


It is always very humbling to come home after a 'spiritual guidance' session and find the house in some mess and much housework needing to be done. One can get so caught up in the 'clouds' of the so called 'spiritual' that one forgets the daily sanctity of the mundane. Or similarly, it is actually 'easy' for me to go to work at the clinic - where I am free of any mundane chores like cleaning up instruments after a procedure and so on.......- than face the mundane chores at home - where the only person i 'perform' for is God!!
Anyhow, i am glad for being at home much of today, sitting at my desk to reply emails and prepare some material for a retreat next week. But the mundane also surrounds me - in between i get up for a break to prepare my own lunch, then to prepare for dinner for my family - to cook before i leave for a spiritual formation meeting. It helps to move around a bit when i am stuck and let ideas and thoughts flow as i work with my hands.
Thus the gratitude for the chores that keep me grounded. Of course at times, i struggle and protest - but that's part of the 'resistance' to God that comes whether in prayer or in the kitchen.
In everything you so for the glory of God. A simple truth most deeply learned in the tasks that earn no human recognition.

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