Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Rolling the stone away....

John 20 : 11 - 18
"To behold the resurrection, the stone must first be rolled away from our hearts"
(Peter Chrysologus, 5th century)
Mary went to the tomb faithfully and lovingly to honor her Master and Teacher. She found his body missing and immediately thought the worst - that it had been stolen. Her fears, her grief and sorrow prevented her from recognizing him......For the early disciples, the literal stone over the entrance of the tomb had been removed - and yet to lesser or greater measure, each one was 'blocked' in his or her understanding and recognition of the risen Christ.
Today, there may be huge 'stones' at the door of our heart. Not rocks and boulders but spiritual hindrances to our experiencing the resurrection in our lives.
Perhaps as the 'boulders' are removed from our hearts, we might see that the resurrection happens in little ways in our lives. What do we look for? Not big banners up in the skies, or loud voices from above.....but just glimpses of hopefulness, of joy, of love that comes over us, unexpectedly, even in the midst of confusing or troubling circumstances. Perhaps a sense of what brings 'life' to us, in the everyday - a passing remark, a shared moment of truth that underlines Christ's reality.
Well, and perhaps, hearing our name called .....a tiny whisper of reassurance that our Lord lives.
"In my heart I know my Savior lives...
I have heard him calling tenderly my name
Over sin and death he has prevailed
In his glory, in his new life we partake..."

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