Thursday, April 08, 2010

Opening our minds

Luke 24 : 35 - 48
Why are you troubled, and why do questionings rise in your hearts?
There are many things that trouble us. I was recently informed that the insurance company that underwrites my hospital plan will stop providing cover this year - not only to me, but to all who signed up for this particular plan. I was also told that for anyone above 50 years, it would be very expensive to buy medical insurance, from any company, especially with any past illness.
This thought did trouble me for a few days. There is no real 'answer' to these situations because of the way health care has developed. But I also remembered that I have treated many who do not even have access to 'normal' healthcare let alone hospitalization plans! They are people who accept their life as it comes, and who would sometimes just ask for the medication they can afford for that month, sometimes not taking one of the prescribed medications.
Many things trouble us. Questions arise in our hearts about certain situations. The Lord's reality does not erase all difficult questions for us.
The 'facts' of our faith sometimes seem blur in the light of the many concerns of our lives. But the risen Lord may well grant us real experiences of his presence with us. I tell myself that I should keep desiring and seeking his gift of consolation.

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