Sunday, March 21, 2010

God's forgiveness

John 8 : 1 - 11
Let him who is without sin be the first to throw a stone....
God's mercy embraces us all. All are in need of that mercy, that sees the depths of our sin and yet comes forth to heal and redeem. The crowd must have hung around curiously when they saw the 'sinful' woman brought before Jesus for judgment. They were probably more interested in the sensation and gossip that would come out of this incident, than in the persons involved. The woman was just a 'sinner' - that's all they were taught to see through the eyes of the law.
But Jesus saw differently. He knew the depths of the fallenness of the human heart, yet he also saw the possibility for goodness inherent there. To be seen in this way brings hope, affirms we are loved by God who never withdraws his love, even when we sin. Jesus' answer reminds us to be careful before we throw stones in judgment of others. His response to the woman does not deny her wrong doing, yet also importantly affirms her ability to choose the path of good. She and all of us are "loved sinners", held in the mercy of God. A deep experience of God's merciful love transforms lives - as we see ourselves and others in that light.

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