Saturday, February 20, 2010

Seventh day of new year

We enter the seventh day of CNY 'festivities' and the fourth day of the liturgical season of Lent. Even as we try to enter a more solemn season, the marks of CNY - especially jars of cookies and other goodies are a reminder of our excesses. I am sure some people feel the same, at least when we start looking around at our filled shelves and tables. I decided not to indulge and instead baked some cookies to give away, but in return I was given many jars of cookies that I am wondering what to do with. We truly have much too much to eat and not very nutritious food at that. (It is hard to express this without sounding like a spoil sport! I do enjoy the cookies - but ......after a jar or two.....) Such goodies are not even appropriate to give away to those in real need - as they would prefer more basic foods. It is really difficult to live a little more 'simply' when all around us the excesses abound.
The week has passed quickly and thankfully I have managed to get some house chores done, apart from resting after the more hectic first three days of CNY. Monday is back to work, although my schedule is not too heavy next week.
The gospel reading for today (Luke 5: 27 - 32) reminds me that it is good to be aware of our neediness of a savior. And actually, that knowledge is a graced one - for human nature is such that we would rather defend ourselves against such a humbling knowledge. Jesus deals easily with those who know they are 'sinners' - he faces massive resistance from those who hold on to religious piety of the outward type. May we realize that our excesses will not be wiped out so easily - and yet may we look to the Him who gives us strength to persevere. Well, maybe next year we can find some creative and wholesome way to do away with too many cookies and such stuff for CNY!!

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