Sunday, October 10, 2010


It was Joy's first birthday yesterday. She's adorable but we realize now, not too well trained. In fact rather easily excitable with her welcome when guests come. She has a healthy loud bark for her size and can sound aggressive though all she wants is to play. It takes a few minutes of the person settling down for her to be quiet and then she's fine. But i can imagine if she were a larger seventy pound dog getting so excited....well, not much harm for now, since she's turned out quite a 'mini' Schnauzer at below 6 kg.
I worked at a healthscreening center yesterday.....from 8 am to 2 pm. This was one of the occasional places..... i would not want to work there on a regular basis. The work was basically a 'technical' one, taking samples and explaining test results. No medication given and no follow ups as the clients are from outstation!! If necessary they are to go find a doctor there. I guess it was the lack of relational connection that left me rather bored at the end of it. All the more because most of the clients were Mandarin speaking, and although i had an interpreter, it isn't the same as communicating in one's mother tongue.
How do i at this stage of my life, follow Jesus authentically? What does it mean to do so? These are questions at the back of my mind quite often. Perhaps there is much to be learned in persevering in mundane tasks, even if they are not 'enjoyable'. I am grateful too for the income that is the Lord's provision.

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