Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Not being repaid

Luke 14: 12 - 14
You will be blessed, because they cannot repay you
How often I have made the inner complaint that others do not appreciate my efforts! It is just something that happens quite easily - reflecting how much 'self' gets in the way of even good deeds. Thankfully, the examen prayer helps me catch myself sooner rather than later and ask for the grace to do better next time.
It is easy to do things for those who are thankful and grateful! We are actually being 'repaid' even if not materially, by the thanks and praise of others. Of course it is easier even to give to those who will repay us many times over! But, sometimes, all we get is a routine thanks for the deeds we undertake; nothing else. This is the 'acid test' - of 'who' we are doing all this for - for God or for ourselves!
We are asked to look out for those who cannot repay us, whether in cash or kind. Actually, we are exactly that type of person to, in the eyes of the Lord. For we have received much that we cannot repay. The Lord has given us so much that we could never repay him. Yet he continues to give and give.......
And he asks of us to do the same to our fellow human beings.

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