Saturday, November 08, 2008


Last Sunday, I attended a service where a friend was commissioned as a pastor to her church, to work alongside her husband who is the main pastor there. We've known each other for maybe 15 years........initially at the same church and later kept in touch from time to time when her family moved to another church. I was very pleased for her, knowing that for many years now, she had been fully immersed in the 'pastoral' ministry, even without the formal position. The sermon that day was on "Calling" and how the Lord calls us to unique tasks.
After the service, at the lunch, a friend asked 'tongue in cheek' - so when's your turn to be 'Pastor Lilian'? At that moment I just brushed it off with a light remark. But later, I realized that I did react slightly, inside. It seems that people might expect that those who seek to serve the Lord earnestly- would 'progress' to more significant ministry in time........
Am I missing something by not feeling that way? I have been praying with the passages in Luke about Jesus being 'not really lost' at the Temple at the age of twelve, and of the 'hidden years' of his life before it was time to enter 'ministry'.. There is nothing in these passages to suggest that one should rightly 'progress' in such or such a manner. Instead, I was really moved by the thought that it is not the specific things one does/achieves for God. The most important thing is to be true to what one is called to. What that sense of calling does is bring me 'home' to God, and 'home' to my true self, as he knows me. It is easy to claim the big ministry projects as God given. But calling may mean doing 'small' or insignificant things as long as they are led by God; and not being tempted by 'big' projects if they are merely led by man's /self's agenda.
I recalled a friend who is in Penang now. She let go of a 'significant' ministry with the marginalized and went back there to look after her ailing mother last year. Her mother passed on earlier this year and now she has remained there to look after her sister who has special needs. It might seem such a 'waste' of her gifting as an evangelist, but in fact, she may be living out God's call in a different kind of 'mission' field. I told her this and was glad that she affirmed the Lord has been impressing this upon her as well.
But it is not easy to take the 'road less travelled'. In the world's eyes and even in the eyes of much of the Christian world, more is better. Upward the norm. Who wants to 'move downward'? Isn't that negative and lacking in faith?
I need to hear the Lord further on this. I need to have the encouragement of those who have lived and met the Lord in the ordinariness of life. I know I could be easily tempted by praise and affirmation and significance. May the Lord speak his unique affirmation into my heart as I seek to answer his call with integrity.

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