Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Being ready

Luke 12: 35 - 38
Blessed are those servants the master finds awake...
It is easy to persevere in something on which we place much importance, something we value. I know I do. I know that when I have a project to complete, I can stay up late to finish it. And lately, I have found it easy to persevere in practicing my watercolor painting, just because I want to improve. These are the little things of life that are really not that important in the long run - but that show how persevering I am when my interest level is high. Even my dog knows how to keep on the alert for her 'mistress'! When I am eating something, she sits at my feet ever ready for a morsel to come her way. In fact, her attention is so great that should I move from my place she follows me to the kitchen and waits again with great alertness.
The Lord asks if we are as interested in him as we are about our many other pursuits of life. Are we ready and waiting when he has a word for us? Would we set aside other competing interests to attend to his call? The master in Jesus' story is so gracious that he himself will serve the servants who have been faithful and waiting for him!! Imagine how this must sound to a society where social class was so important. Unbelievable. Yet isn't Jesus also implying that God our Master would be really pleased if we wait upon him, if he finds us ready to invite him into our lives, any and every time? In fact, we would be so blessed because He will 'serve' us. A God who does not major in sheer domination of his creatures but in grace. Jesus has shown us such a God - who is "gentle and humble in heart". No wonder He washed the feet of his disciples, and in a sense our feet as well, if we let him.
All we need to do is be ready for our Lord....al the time, any time. Ready for his word, ready for his call, ready to receive from him, gentle and gracious service.

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