Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Word and works

Luke 4 : 38 - 44
Jesus' word and works go together. He healed and set people free from physical ailments but also gave them the "good news of the kingdom of God". This should have an impact on the way we approach what we usually call "social ministry". Can we just feed people, reach out to their physical needs and not be concerned for their deeper spiritual needs? Well, we do know that we cannot 'preach to those with empty stomachs' or give practical aid with hidden agendas.
I believe that first and foremost we meet people where they are. We see them, or at least try to see each needy individual through the eyes of God. We don't see them as 'good works' projects we do to fulfill our duty. As we proceed in this graced way, we might grow sensitive to the Spirit leading us as to which specific needs require attention, at each stage. I believe that just being prayerful will keep the spiritual needs in focus even if they are not addressed directly yet at that point in the process.
Being Christ's 'body' on earth has deep implications for everyday life. As we prayerfully discern these in our personal context, we learn what it means to share both word and works, as our Lord did.

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