Monday, September 01, 2008

Prophetic preaching

Luke 4 : 16 - 30
I wonder how people would react if they heard such a message from the pulpit on Sunday. How would you receive this in your church or mine? I dare say today's church goers would be more restrained........they would not physically drive the preacher out of the church (would they?). Well, at most if it were a visiting speaker, he might not be invited again! And if it is an 'in-house' speaker....well....the pulpit committee might take him to task.
Jesus' preaching always amazed his hearers. He spoke in categories that people could not quite grasp. Or rather, at times he seems to bring news that supported the status quo and then, out of the blue, he spoke against that very status quo. There was no way that his hearers could remain in their comfort zones. As we hear him today, I wonder how often we feel uncomfortable. If we never do, perhaps it is time to 'listen' well, removing the grid we use to filter the Gospel. Even if not many preachers have the prophetic gifting today, we can, each one, go back to the Scriptures ourselves and give God a fresh hearing.
The Jesus we meet in the Gospels will surprise, even shock us, sometimes. He is the Messiah who both comforted the 'poor' as well as challenged those who expected positions of privilege and honor. The Gentiles were outsiders, even 'non people' to the Jews of his day. They were reminded, as we are today, that God sees the seed of faith in humble hearts, and is not impressed by pious exclusivism.

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