Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What shall we have?

Matthew 19: 23 - 30
We have left everything.....
For human beings, tangible things are what is 'real'. We value those things we can touch and see and measure. When we 'give' of ourselves to the Lord, it will 'hurt' because we have to let go of the tangibles that give us so much security. The Lord is gracious and helps us do this step by step of the way. I don't think anyone could just let go of everything at one go.
I can imagine Peter the practical and forthright disciple with his remark, voicing what the others might have thought but dared not speak, "We have left everything and followed you. What then shall we have?" Indeed, sometimes, it seems like we have lost out on a lot on things by following the Lord. Compared to some people whose values are largely worldly and selfcentered, we come out, it appears, lagging behind. It seems foolish, and though we willingly give up things, in our heart of hearts, we sometimes wonder, "What is it all for?"
I don't think Peter seriously doubted the direction of his calling. I don't think in our questioning, we have second thoughts the lifestyle we have chosen. But sometimes, we just need some reassurance; when times get tough, when our spirits are desolate, that the Lord still values our giving. We just seek some clarification and consolation from the Lord about our life.
The 'rewards' promised by Jesus are not as tangible and present as we might wish for. Much is promised, but it requires patient and faithful waiting. The 'eternal' realm, kairos time is a realm we are all immersed in and yet, it is only the chronos time that we are most aware of. The life everlasting is the ultimate goal that changes our perspective on everything. Rewards may not be tangible in chronos time, but with God all things are possible. He will bring to pass what has been promised.

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