Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good gifts from above

James 1: 12 - 18
Every good and perfect gift is from above....
It is easy to give thanks for the obvious 'gifts' we receive from the Lord. Fortunately, in practicing the review of the day, I have grown (gradually) more aware of how little things, small and usually insignificant events are also good gifts from above. I don't think I was actually a wilfully ungrateful person before. It was rather the tendency to get so caught up with things that I lose focus on all the rest. Taking photos illustrates this. I like close up shots using the 'macro' function on my camera. This means that the main subject stands out, but at the same time, the background blurs. Something that helps me in certain aspects of my profession can become a hindrance when I wish to embrace a wider view. Anyway, the spiritual discipline of review is helping me live more aware of all the good gifts of the Father of heavenly lights.
A fairly 'normal' day like today is the place where God's goodness meets me. I shopped for groceries in the morning, then a lunch appointment was postponed because my friend had to be with her father in hospital, then spent a couple of hours sorting out accounts, with several calls to clarify. And at the end of the day, my devotion book "All will be well" gives me some questions to mull over:
What incidents in your life today seemed small and insignificant?
Imagine and feel God's concern and love for you in these small things.
Did any of these small things distract you from the experience of God's love today?
When did you remember to rest in God today?
I think I did feel quite rested, being present to what I was doing at each moment, rather than wanting to be somewhere else, doing the next 'important ' thing.
A year ago, I expressed interest in joining a Hebrew class. Well, somehow it has not started, but just last week I heard it will start soon!! A year ago, I might have really struggled hard to say "No", but thankfully at this time, the Lord is showing me my true needs, and that does not include Hebrew!

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