Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friends of God

John 15 : 12 - 17
I have called you friends......I chose you
The love of friendship is truly a beautiful one that defies mere wordy description. It has to be experienced and even then, there are many nuances and subtleties that make it difficult to define in any accurate manner. Jesus speaks of calling his disciples "friends". It is not that they are no longer "disciples" but here he invites them and us into a far deeper way of relating with him. And this is an invitation - it occurred to me that some may prefer to remain "disciple-servants" rather than "friends". Friendship has a greater cost, demands more from us than just a "Master- servant" relationship. And perhaps that is why many, many Christians seem not to be "open" to the former relationship. It is easier to live out the latter - one where roles and expectations are more clearly spelt out. The former is a love relationship. What can it mean to be a "friend of Jesus"? Children are taught in Sunday school that Jesus is their friend. But as an adult, I am still in the process of finding out what that might mean - I am still trying to grow from a less demanding to a more demanding relationship. But this I seek....very much....the desire informs the seeking.
One thing I note is how Jesus demonstrates his loving friendship: by laying down his life for his friends. From the start he knew how lacking in faith, how cowardly they could be, and yet from his side, the love of friendship was freely given. "Love one another" is easy with friends who are willing to give mutually. It is not so easy with those who take our love for granted, who for whatever reason just cannot reciprocate. I ask myself : could I look beneath their inability, to see the person within - the one who needs a friend? I find this difficult. I would rather 'write off' those who do not give me what I think I deserve. I am truly grateful that Jesus did not do that to me, to us. He invites us always to be his "friends". I believe he will teach us how if we just ask.

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